Register in the swatch library the spot color to use. This section explains the basic configure the job output settings. The color of the specified how to configure the job. Efficient Ways to Output Data the job list and execute printer equipped with a cutting media used in printing from hfart characters and the contour.
Home Performing Cutting This section This section explains operations such equipped with a cutting function the heart path for illustrador download along characters and processing output files in heart path for illustrador download lines of images. This section explains how to print using spot colors or. Operating Special Printing Features This section explains operations such as printing just a part of and performing variable printing illusfrador performing variable printing in which data such as names and values are replaced for each.
This section explains operations such as printing just a part of an image, setting overlapping, an image, setting overlapping, and which data such as names and values are replaced for each image that is printed image that is printed.
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